

(with Claudio Cozza and Andrea Coveri) Monopoly Capital in the Time of Digital Platforms: A radical approach to the Amazon case. Cambridge Journal of Economics, forthcoming

(with Lucrezia Fanti and Massimo Moggi) From Heron of Alexandria to Amazon’s Alexa: a stylized history of AI and its impact on business models, organization and work. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 1-32.

(with Giuseppe Celi, Jelena Reljic, Annamaria Simonazzi and Francesco Zezza). The Asymmetric Impact of War: Resilience, Vulnerability and Implications for EU Policy. Intereconomics, 57(3), 141-147.

(with Armanda Cetrulo and Maria Enrica Virgillito) Working from home and the explosion of enduring divides: income, employment and safety risks. Economia Politica.


(with Marco Barbieri) La pandemia e la necessità di riformare il sistema degli ammortizzatori sociali. Social Policies, 3/2021

(with Giuseppe Celi and Annamaria Simonazzi) La crisi perenne dell'Eurozona: malanni strutturali e propositi di riforma. Nuova Lettera Matematica, 4/2021

(with Valeria Cirillo and Fenizia Verdecchia) I lavoratori delle piattaforme digitali in Europa: un’analisi empirica. SINAPPSI, 2/2021

(with Lucrezia Fanti, L and Matteo Tubiana). Skill mismatch and the dynamics of Italian companies’ productivity. Applied Economics, 1-14.

(with Nicola Cassandro, Marco Centra and Piero Esposito). What drives employment–unemployment transitions? Evidence from Italian task-based data. Economia Politica, 1-39.

(with Emanuele Brancati, Raffaele Brancati and Antonello Zanfei) Innovation drivers of external competitiveness in the great recession. Small Business Economics, 1-20.

(with Serenella Caravella, Francesco Crespi and Matteo Tubiana). Heterogeneity in the demand-growth relationship at the firm level: the role of demand sources and innovation/knowledge characteristics. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 30(5), 516-535.

Gli ammortizzatori sociali durante la pandemia. La fase emergenziale e le riforme necessarie. Social Policies, 8(1), 183-187.


(with Armanda Cetrulo and Maria Enrica Virgillito) The privilege of working from home at the time of social distancing. Intereconomics, 55, 142-147.

(with Armanda Cetrulo and Maria Enrica Virgillito) Anatomy of the Italian occupational structure: concentrated power and distributed knowledge. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(6), 1345-1379.

(with Valeria Cirillo, V., Rinaldo Evangelista e Matteo Sostero). Digitalization, routineness and employment: an exploration on Italian task-based data. Research Policy, 50(7), 104079.

(with Giuseppe Celi and Annamaria Simonazzi). A fragile and divided European Union meets Covid-19: further disintegration or ‘Hamiltonian moment’?. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 47(3), 411-424.

(with Giuseppe Celi, Andrea Ginzburg and Annamaria Simonazzi) Un'Unione Divisiva. Una prospettiva centro-periferia della crisi europea, Bologna: Il Mulino

(with Stefano Sacchi and Silvia Vannutelli) Risk of technological unemployment and support for redistributive policies in Careja R., Emmenegger P. and Giger N. (Eds) The European Social Model under Pressure, Berlin: Springer


(with Giuseppe Celi) The Italian economy from WWII to the EMU. In Marcuzzo, M. C., Palumbo, A. and Villa P. (Eds.) Economic Policy, Crisis and Innovation. London: Routlegde.

(with Giovanni Dosi Andrea Ricci and Marica Virgillito) Neodualism in the Italian business firms: training, organizational capabilities and productivity distributions, Small Business Economics.

(with Federico Tamagni) Persistence of innovation and patterns of firm growth, Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 48(6), pages 1493-1512.

(with Francesco Bogliacino, Cristiano Codagnone and Valeria Cirillo) Quantity and quality of work in the platform economy in Vivarelli, M. and Zimmerman, K. (Eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Berlin: Springer

(with Armanda Cetrulo and Valeria Cirillo) Weaker jobs, weaker innovation. Exploring the effects of temporary employment on new products, Applied Economics, 10.1080/00036846.2019.1619015

(with Stefano Sacchi and Silvia Vannutelli) Esposizione al rischio di disoccupazione tecnologica e politiche redistributive. Stato e Mercato 2019(1):125-156

(with Giuseppe Celi and Annamaria Simonazzi) Unravelling the Roots of the EMU Crisis. Structural Divides, Uneven Recoveries and Possible Ways Out Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, Springer;German National Library of Economics;Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), vol. 54(1), pages 23-30, January.

(with Giuseppe Celi and Annamaria Simonazzi) Developmental industrial policy for convergence within the European Monetary Union. In Herr H, Priewe J and Watt A (Eds) Still time to save the Euro. A new agenda for growth and jobs with a focus on the euro area’s four largest countries, Brussels: Social Europe Pubblishing

(with Giuseppe Celi, Andrea Ginzburg and Annamaria Simonazzi) Secular Stagnation in the EU? The Weakening of the European Engine of Growth History of Economic Ideas 2019(1):89-113 (25)


(with Francesco Crespi) The demand-pull effect of public procurement on innovation and industrial renewal. Industrial and Corporate Change, Oxford University Press, vol. 28(4), pages 793-815.

(with Giuseppe Celi, Andrea Ginzburg and Annamaria Simonazzi) Crisis in the European Monetary Union. A Core-Periphery Perspective, London: Routledge – Spanish version edited by RBA Libros

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) The crisis and labour market reform in Italy: a regional analysis of the Jobs Act in Myant, M. and Piasna, A. (Eds.) Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation, 81-102, Brussels: ETUI pubblishing

(with Francesco Bogliacino, and Valeria Cirillo) The dynamics of profits and wages: Technology, offshoring and demand. Industry and Innovation, 25(8), 778-808.

(with Massimiliano Franceschetti) Il lavoro ai tempi del management algoritmico. Taylor è tornato? Rivista giuridica del Lavoro 4/2018

(with Giovanni Dosi) Innovazione tecnologica, politiche industriali ed evoluzione delle industrie. In Pennacchi, L. and Sanna, R. (Eds.) Lavoro e Innovazione. Roma: Ediesse.

(with Mario Pianta) Tecnologia e disuguaglianze di reddito in Franzini M. and Raitano, M. (Eds) Il mercato rende diseguali, Il Mulino

Mansioni, competenze e rapporti di produzione nell’economia delle piattaforme. In Carabelli U. (Ed.) Il lavoro nelle piattaforme digitali nuove opportunità, nuove forme di sfruttamento, nuovi bisogni di tutela. Ediesse: Roma.


(with Alessandro Bramucci, Valeria Cirillo and Rinaldo Evangelista) Offshoring, industry heterogeneity and employment. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, online first article.

(with Mario Pianta), The gains from technology. Technology, exports and profits. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26(8), 779-804

(with Francesco Bogliacino) Rotta di collisione, o di altre Europe (im)possibili, Economia & Lavoro, Carocci editore

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La crisi e le riforme del mercato del lavoro in Italia: un’analisi regionale del Jobs Act, Argomenti – rivista di economia, cultura e ricerca sociale, DOI:

(with Armanda Cetrulo and Valeria Cirillo) Flessibilità del lavoro e innovazione di prodotto: le tendenze divergenti nei paesi dell’UE in Pizzuti, F. R. (Ed.) Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017: Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale. Sapienza Università Editrice.

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Il mercato del lavoro italiano dopo il Jobs Act: un’analisi regionale e settoriale in Pizzuti, F. R. (Ed.) Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017: Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale. Sapienza Università Editrice.


(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act. Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 34(2), 211-232.

(with Annamaria Simonazzi), A polarized country in a polarized Europe: an industrial policy for Italy’s renaissance. Economia e Politica Industriale, 2016, vol. 43(3), pages 315-322, Springer.

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Did Italy need more labour flexibility? The Consequences of the Jobs Act Intereconomics – Journal of European economic policy, 2016, vol. 51(2) pp. 79-86 Springer

(with Mario Pianta and Francesco Bogliacino) Export, R&D and New Products: A Model and a Test on European Industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2016, vol. 26(4), pp. 869-905 Springer

(with Giovanni Dosi) Oltre la “magia” del libero mercato: il ritorno della politica industriale Quaderni di rassegna sindacale, 3-2016, Ediesse

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La crisi e le riforme del mercato del lavoro in Italia: un’analisi regionale del Jobs Act. Argomenti, (5), 29-56.


(with Mario Pianta, Francesco Bogliacino and Matteo Lucchese) Business cycles, technology and exports. Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2015 vol. 22(2), pp. 167-200 Springer

(with Valeria Cirillo) Jobs and competitiveness in a polarized Europe. Intereconomics – Journal of European economic policy 2015 Vol. 50, N°3, pp. 156-160 Springer

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La precarizzazione del lavoro e gli effetti del Jobs Act (2015) Rivista delle Politiche Sociali-Italian Journal of Social Policy, vol 4 pp. 75-97, Ediesse

(with Valeria Cirillo) Esiste una via d’uscita dalla crisi? Competitività, occupazione e declino industriale in Europa. La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali - Italian Journal of Social Policy, 4/2015 pp. 75-97, Ediesse

Quale competitività per l’Europa? in F. R. Pizzuti (ed.) Rapporto sullo Stato Sociale 2015, pp. 147-165, Simone edizioni


(with Valeria Cirillo) Esiste una via d’uscita dalla crisi? Competitività, occupazione e declino industriale in Europa. La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali - Italian Journal of Social Policy, 4/2014 pp. 189-209, Ediesse